Social media offers opportunities and pitfalls for businesses. Timing, wording, and design must all coalesce to delight the digital audience. Here are a few principles to minimize gaffes and maximize ROI. 1: Profile Fill out all sections of your profile with relevant information for consumers. Include links to your website, phone number, address, email, and more. Including your location can …
Blog Inspiration
68% of consumers read content from a brand in which they are interested. Captivate customers with killer products and services. Keep them coming back for more with regular, helpful content. People like to get their money’s worth. Content marketing increases trust. Digital users’ interaction with branded content contributes to brand validation. Tell people about company techniques, company culture, and company …
Why Video Marketing?
How do you captivate a person scrolling through content on their phone while they’re strolling down a street? Capturing a digital reader’s attention seems more difficult than ever now. But it is still possible. Good news: video strategically converts prospects and keeps existing customers intrigued. Flickering images capture attention more than static text or images. Take advantage of video marketing …
Fundraising 101
The average American supports 4.5 charities. Your organization could be one of the charities that average Americans choose for donations. Employing an effective fundraising strategy is essential to ensure your organization’s future prosperity. There are many fundraising tools accessible to savvy marketers. Direct mail, email, social media, and many more can yield high fundraising ROI. Here are 3 tips for …
3 Ways to Build Email Lists
Email is 40x more effective at getting new customers than Facebook or Twitter is. Email lists are valuable assets. You can use email addresses to keep in touch with existing customers and connect with prospects. Email marketing, still one of the most effective tactics, requires building an list. Don’t resort to spammy tactics to capture addresses. There are a few …
4 Reasons Direct Mail Still Matters
Direct mail complements digital marketing well. Standout graphics, copy, and strategy stay constant in digital and traditional marketing. High-ROI campaigns combine the strengths of multiple channels, unified themes, and quality content. Social media campaigns and direct mail campaigns deliver similar ROIs of 15-17%. Why does direct mail still matter in an increasingly online world? Here are 4 reasons. 1: Personalization …
Why Event Marketing?
Digital marketing isn’t primarily about the bells and whistles of technology. It’s primarily about connecting with people. Sometimes taking connection offline can yield high rewards. Hosting an event offers many opportunities for your company or organization. Here are three reasons why, backed up by the numbers. 1: Brand awareness Not only does an event validate your brand, but it also …
3 Ways To Get More Followers
Some brands overlook the importance of followers. However, faithful followers are likely to buy from a brand. Stellar social campaigns can increase follower count, turn users into leads, and keep existing customers coming back for more. How do you gain followers, turn them into customers, and keep them coming back for more? Here are a few pointers. 1: Treat different …
5 Unbelievable Digital Marketing Statistics
It seems impossible to go a day without seeing an ad before a Youtube video or on Facebook. Digital marketing is on the rise. Direct mail and traditional avenues have their place. While print advertising is still effective, the digital age demands that attention be paid to online marketing opportunities. Here are a few statistics to demonstrate the necessity of …
6 Email Dos and Don’ts
Last year, over 205 billion emails were sent and received every day. By 2019, there will be over 2.9 billion email users. 50% of Americans check their email while still in bed. Email isn’t going away any time soon. Here are 6 tips to stay professional, get your messages read, and accomplish your goals. Do 1: Stay empathetic. No one …