It is truly tragic to consider the division that infects our great nation. In most cases, this division is preceded by a failure to communicate or to empathize.
We have seen this for far too long in this land of ours. And that is what it is – OUR LAND. So, how do we get back to trying to see each other in a way that is respectful and that serves to bring us together? How can we begin to bridge this gap and unite around some thing or some ideal that resonates with us all? What tends to bring all Americans together in times of trial and strife?
One word: Sports!
By now we all seem to have an opinion on the NFL players’ protests. Some ascribe kneeling during the National Anthem as disrespectful. Others call it a display of why the 1st Amendment was written. Whatever your opinion, there is no denying that sports has always been something that unites us.
Nelson Mandela, upon receiving the Inaugural Laureus Lifetime Achievement Award at the World Sports Awards Ceremony in Monte Carlo back in May of 2000, noted just how important sports was to bringing about hope and unity. His appeal perhaps brought a sense of comfort to those struggling with racial, economic, political or social divisions within their own countries. There is a lot of truth to his message. No matter who we are or where we came from, sports undeniably unites us all.
But what if we could draw our nation together to get behind a sports team that is American-made? What if we could inspire others through a grassroots team made of second chance hopefuls just dying to realize their dreams?
We have it for you and it is our proposal that could truly bring about real change, real hope, real unity to our great nation. Team of Dreams is our reality TV show that we continue to promote to various networks and entertainment entities. Team of Dreams is our proposal to replace the current model of NBA stars for our Team USA with an open tryouts, multi-city, American Idol-style tour to find the best amateur hoops hopefuls to make our Team USA for the Olympics. It is early for 2020, I know. But, this show could truly be that spark that ignites the flame of unity we so desperately need.
Read our Case for Open Tryouts for USA Basketball.
It may be a crazy idea but aren’t those some of the best ideas? And who wouldn’t be inspired by these second chance athletes representing all walks of life here in America.
Americans are known for certain qualities. We believe that all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are all essential components of the American spirit. But there is one other that, above all the rest, defines us as a people: We Never Give Up.
No matter the circumstances or the odds that we face, we fight and persevere and, most significantly, we overcome. It is who we are. It is what we know. We are a nation of second chances.
The Team of Dreams Reality TV show will chronicle the journey of these virtual unknowns. We will root for them. We will stand with them. They will unite our nation and inspire others to dream again. This team will be America’s Team unlike any other before it.
Join us and help us make this Team of Dreams a reality. Sign the petition. Check out our video segments. Like it. Share it. Be a part of it!
Thank you and God bless America!