The average American supports 4.5 charities. Your organization could be one of the charities that average Americans choose for donations. Employing an effective fundraising strategy is essential to ensure your organization’s future prosperity. There are many fundraising tools accessible to savvy marketers. Direct mail, email, social media, and many more can yield high fundraising ROI. Here are 3 tips for …
3 Ways to Build Email Lists
Email is 40x more effective at getting new customers than Facebook or Twitter is. Email lists are valuable assets. You can use email addresses to keep in touch with existing customers and connect with prospects. Email marketing, still one of the most effective tactics, requires building an list. Don’t resort to spammy tactics to capture addresses. There are a few …
6 Email Dos and Don’ts
Last year, over 205 billion emails were sent and received every day. By 2019, there will be over 2.9 billion email users. 50% of Americans check their email while still in bed. Email isn’t going away any time soon. Here are 6 tips to stay professional, get your messages read, and accomplish your goals. Do 1: Stay empathetic. No one …